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Inuvik and Dempster Highway

Embark on a journey to Inuvik and along the Dempster Highway with our travel guide. Discover Inuvik's unique culture and architecture, the stunning landscapes of the Western Arctic, and the unforgettable adventure of driving the Dempster Highway through Canada's remote wilderness.

Inuvik and the Dempster Highway offer a unique and unforgettable travel experience in Canada's North.

Inuvik Overview

Inuvik, located in the Western Arctic region of the Northwest Territories, is a town rich in indigenous culture and Arctic scenery. It's known for its distinct architecture, community spirit, and as a gateway to the Arctic Ocean.

Inuvik Northwest Territories Canada.

Getting to Inuvik

  • By Air: Regular flights to Inuvik are available from major Canadian cities like Edmonton and Yellowknife.

  • By Road: The Dempster Highway is the only all-weather road that connects Inuvik with the rest of Canada.

Attractions in Inuvik

  1. Igloo Church: The iconic Our Lady of Victory Church, known for its unique architecture.

  2. Midnight Sun Mosque: The northernmost mosque in the Americas.

  3. Community Greenhouse: The northernmost greenhouse in North America.


  • Boat Tours: Explore the Mackenzie Delta by boat.

  • Cultural Festivals: Experience local events like the Great Northern Arts Festival.

  • Northern Lights: In winter, Inuvik is a great place to view the aurora borealis.

Accommodations in Inuvik

  • Options range from hotels and B&Bs to campgrounds. Booking in advance is advisable, especially during festival times.

Dining in Inuvik

  • Local restaurants offer a mix of traditional and modern Canadian cuisine, with an emphasis on locally sourced ingredients.

Travel Tips

  • Weather: Be prepared for rapidly changing weather conditions.

  • Connectivity: Cell service can be limited, especially on the Dempster Highway.

  • Wildlife: Watch out for wildlife like caribou, bears, and moose, both on the highway and in the wilderness areas.

Side Trip to Tuktoyaktuk

  • With the completion of the Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway, a side trip to the Arctic Ocean community of Tuktoyaktuk is now possible by road.

The Dempster Highway

  • Journey: This 736-kilometer highway stretches from near Dawson City, Yukon, to Inuvik, NWT. It's a gravel road, traversing through stunning wilderness and crossing the Arctic Circle.

  • Best Time to Travel: Summer for 24-hour daylight and winter for the chance to drive on the ice road to Tuktoyaktuk.

  • Preparations: Ensure your vehicle is well-prepared for remote travel, and carry spare tires, emergency supplies, and extra fuel.

  • Check the Official NWT Parks website for more details on this route.

Attractions Along Dempster Highway

The Dempster Highway, stretching from the Klondike Highway near Dawson City, Yukon, to Inuvik in the Northwest Territories, is a spectacular route offering a variety of major attractions and sights:

Tombstone Territorial Park (Yukon)

  • Location: Near the beginning of the Dempster Highway.

  • Attractions: Known for its rugged peaks, particularly Tombstone Mountain, and its rich wildlife. Excellent for hiking and photography, especially in the fall when the tundra turns vibrant colors.

Arctic Circle Crossing

  • Significance: Crossing the Arctic Circle is a milestone for many travelers. There's a sign marking the location, offering a great photo opportunity.

  • Natural Phenomenon: Experience the midnight sun in summer and the polar night in winter.

Eagle Plains

  • Services: Offers one of the few service stops along the highway with a hotel, restaurant, and gas station.

  • Viewpoint: Provides sweeping views of the surrounding landscape.

Gwich’in Territorial Park

  • Location: Situated near the halfway point of the highway.

  • Features: This park includes Nitainlaii Territorial Park, which offers camping facilities and a visitor center detailing the cultural history of the Gwich’in people.

Richardson Mountains

  • Scenery: The highway passes through these mountains, offering dramatic views and chances to spot wildlife, including caribou.

Peel River and Mackenzie River Crossings

  • Ferry Crossings: During the summer, travelers cross these rivers by ferry, which is a unique experience of the journey. In winter, ice bridges are used.

Fort McPherson

  • Cultural Insight: Visit the local Tetlit Gwich’in community and explore their cultural heritage. The town also has basic services for travelers.


  • Intersection: Where the Dempster intersects with the Mackenzie River. The small community is accessible by a short side trip and offers a glimpse into traditional life in the North.


  • End of the Dempster: A town with full services, cultural experiences, and the gateway to the Western Arctic region.

Inuvik-Tuktoyaktuk Highway

  • Extension to the Arctic: This highway extends from Inuvik to Tuktoyaktuk, allowing travelers to reach the Arctic Ocean.

Travel Tips

  • Preparation: The Dempster Highway is remote, with limited services. Travelers should be well-prepared with supplies, spare tires, and emergency kits.

  • Weather: Conditions can change rapidly; be prepared for all types of weather.

  • Wildlife: Drive cautiously, as wildlife crossings are common.

Traveling to Inuvik and along the Dempster Highway is an adventure that offers a glimpse into the remote and spectacular landscapes of Canada's Arctic region, along with unique cultural experiences. It's an expedition that requires careful planning but rewards with unparalleled natural beauty and a deeper understanding of the North's cultural richness.

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