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40 Essential Malay Words & Phrases for Travelers

If you're planning a trip to Malaysia, learning a few basic phrases in Malay (Bahasa Malaysia) can enhance your travel experience and help you connect with locals. While English is widely spoken, especially in tourist areas and among younger generations, locals always appreciate when visitors make an effort to use their language.

Here are some essential Malay phrases that might come in handy:

  1. Hello: "Hai" (Hi) or "Selamat pagi" (Good morning), "Selamat tengah hari" (Good afternoon), "Selamat petang" (Good evening), "Selamat malam" (Good night) depending on the time of the day.

  2. Goodbye: "Selamat tinggal" (if you're the one leaving) or "Selamat jalan" (if you're saying it to the person leaving).

  3. Please: "Sila"

  4. Thank you: "Terima kasih"

  5. Yes/No: "Ya/Tidak"

  6. Excuse me/I'm sorry: "Maaf"

  7. Do you speak English?: "Bolehkah anda bercakap dalam Bahasa Inggeris?"

  8. I don't understand: "Saya tidak faham"

  9. What is your name?: "Siapa nama anda?"

  10. My name is...: "Nama saya..."

  11. Where is the...?: "Di mana...?" (e.g., "Di mana tandas?" for "Where is the bathroom?")

  12. How much does this cost?: "Berapa ini?"

  13. Help!: "Tolong!"

  14. I am lost: "Saya sesat"

  15. Can you help me?: "Bolehkah anda tolong saya?"

  16. Good: "Bagus"

  17. Bad: "Buruk"

  18. What time is it?: "Pukul berapa sekarang?"

  19. I would like to order...: "Saya mahu memesan..."

  20. Water: "Air"

  21. Food: "Makanan"

  22. Coffee/Tea: "Kopi/Teh"

  23. Where can I find a taxi?: "Di mana saya boleh dapat teksi?"

  24. I'm a vegetarian: "Saya seorang vegetarian"

  25. I am vegan: "Saya seorang vegan"

  26. I'm allergic to...: "Saya alergik kepada..."

  27. Could I have the bill, please?: "Boleh saya minta bil?"

  28. How do I get to the airport?: "Bagaimana saya boleh pergi ke lapangan terbang?"

  29. Where is the nearest hospital?: "Di mana hospital yang terdekat?"

  30. I need a doctor: "Saya perlukan doktor"

  31. Call the police: "Panggil polis"

  32. Can I have the menu, please?: "Boleh saya lihat menu?"

  33. Where is the nearest ATM?: "Di mana ATM terdekat?"

  34. Left/Right/Straight: "Kiri/Kanan/Lurus"

  35. Is this the bus to...?: "Adakah ini bas ke...?"

  36. What is this?: "Apakah ini?"

  37. I don’t eat...: "Saya tidak makan..."

  38. Open/Closed: "Buka/Tutup"

  39. Can I have...?: "Boleh saya dapatkan...?"

  40. I like it: "Saya suka ini"

Remember, pronunciation is key. Malay is a phonetic language, which means it's pronounced how it's spelled. However, there are accents and dialect differences, so don't worry if you don't get it perfect.


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