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60 Essential Thai Words & Phrases for Travelers Visiting Thailand

The allure of Thailand goes beyond its golden temples, pristine beaches, and tantalizing cuisine. For many, the charm also lies in its rich language, woven with cultural nuances and a melodic tone. As travelers, understanding the local lingo—even just the basics—can transform a typical tourist experience into a deeply immersive journey. Whether it's haggling over prices, expressing gratitude, or simply making a new friend, learning key phrases in Thai opens doors to authentic interactions. Let's delve into the essentials of the Thai language to enhance your travels and connect more meaningfully with the Land of Smiles.

Thai is a tonal language with its own script, which makes it distinctively different from English and many other languages. Here are some tips and advice to consider when learning and speaking Thai:

  • Tones Matter: Thai is a tonal language, meaning the pitch at which you say a word can change its meaning. There are five tones: low, mid, high, falling, and rising. Be sure to practice these tones as you would any other aspect of the language.

  • Politeness Particles: Thai has particles such as "ครับ" (krap) for males and "ค่ะ" (ka) for females that are added to the end of sentences to make them polite. Their use can be flexible depending on context and the level of politeness you want to convey.

  • Understand Formal and Informal Speech: Thai has different levels of speech, from very formal to very informal. Be sure to understand the context in which you're speaking, and adjust your language level accordingly.

  • Cultural Context: Remember that language isn't just about words and grammar; it's also about culture. Try to immerse yourself in Thai culture, understand their customs, beliefs, and way of life. This will help you understand the language in its fuller context.


  • Hello: สวัสดี (Sawasdee) [sa-wàt-dee]

  • Goodbye: ลาก่อน (La gon) [laa gòn]

  • Thank you: ขอบคุณ (Khob khun) [kòp kun]

  • Please: โปรด (Prôd) [prôot]

  • Sorry/Excuse me: ขอโทษ (Khor thot) [kǒr tôot]

Basic Conversational Phrases & Pronouns

  • Yes: ใช่ (Chai) [châi]

  • No: ไม่ใช่ (Mai chai) [mâi châi]

  • I don't understand: ฉันไม่เข้าใจ (Chan mai khao jai) [chǎn mâi khâo jai]

  • Good: ดี (Dee) [dii]

  • Bad: ไม่ดี (Mai dee) [mâi dii]

  • Today: วันนี้ (Wan nee) [wan níi]

  • Tomorrow: พรุ่งนี้ (Prung nee) [prûng níi]

  • Now: ตอนนี้ (Torn nee) [torn níi]

  • Later: ภายหลัง (Phay lang) [phaai láng]

  • I: ฉัน (Chan - for females) [chǎn], ผม (Phom - for males) [pǒm]

  • You: คุณ (Khun) [kun]

  • What is your name?: คุณชื่ออะไร (Khun chue arai?) [kun chûe a-rai]


  • Water: น้ำ (Nam) [náam]

  • Food: อาหาร (Ahaan) [aa-hǎan]

  • Delicious: อร่อย (Aroi) [a-ròi]

  • Spicy: เผ็ด (Phet) [pèt]

  • Not spicy: ไม่เผ็ด (Mai phet) [mâi pèt]

  • Beer: เบียร์ (Beer) [biia]

  • Vegetarian: มังสวิรัติ (Mang sawirat) [maŋ sa-wì-rát]

  • I am vegan: ฉันกินเจ (Chan gin je) [chǎn gin jay]

  • I don't eat meat, eggs, or dairy: ฉันไม่กินเนื้อ, ไข่ หรือ นม (Chan mai gin nuea, khai reu nom) [chǎn mâi gin nʉ́ʉa, khâi rʉ̂ʉ nom]

  • I am allergic to...: ฉันแพ้... (Chan phae...) [chǎn phâe...]

  • Bill or Check (in a restaurant): เก็บเงิน (Gep ngeen) [gèp ngern] or บิล (Bill) [bil]


  • Hotel: โรงแรม (Rong raem) [roong raem]

  • Guesthouse: เกสต์เฮาส์ (Guest house) [gest hâawss]

  • Room: ห้อง (Hong) [hông]

  • Reservation: การจอง (Kan jong) [gaan jɔ̄ɔng]

  • Air conditioning: เครื่องปรับอากาศ (Khruang prab aakaat) [krûeang pràp aa-gàat]


  • Toilet: ห้องน้ำ (Hong nam) [hông náam]

  • Where?: ที่ไหน (Tee nai?) [tîi nǎi]

  • Airport: สนามบิน (Sanam bin) [sa-naam bin]

  • Train station: สถานีรถไฟ (Sathani rot fai) [sa-thaa-nii rót fai]

  • Bus: รถบัส (Rot bas) [rót bâs]

  • Entrance: ทางเข้า (Thang khao) [thaang khâo]

  • Exit: ทางออก (Thang ok) [thaang òk]

  • Left: ซ้าย (Saai) [sáai]

  • Right: ขวา (Khwa) [khwa]


  • Car: รถยนต์ (Rot yon) [rót yon]

  • Bus: รถบัส (Rot bas) [rót bâs]

  • Taxi: แท็กซี่ (Taxi) [tɛ́k-sîi]

  • Bicycle: รถจักรยาน (Rot jakrayan) [rót jàk-gra-yaan]

  • Ticket: ตั๋ว (Tua) [dtǔa]


  • How much?: เท่าไหร่ (Tao rai?) [tâo rài]

  • Market: ตลาด (Talat) [ta-làat]

  • Expensive: แพง (Paeng) [paaeng]

  • Cheap: ถูก (Thook) [thùuk]

  • Discount: ลดราคา (Lot raakhaa) [lòt ra-khaa]

  • ATM: เอทีเอ็ม (ATM) [eetee-em]

  • Currency exchange: แลกเปลี่ยนเงิน (Laek pliian ngeen) [lɛ̂k plìan ngern]


  • Help!: ช่วยด้วย! (Chuay duay!) [chûay dûay]

  • Hospital: โรงพยาบาล (Rong payabaal) [roong pa-ya-baan]

  • I'm lost: ฉันหลงทาง (Chan long thaang) [chǎn long thaang]

  • Doctor: แพทย์ (Phatya) [páat-yâ]

  • Pharmacy/Drugstore: ร้านยา (Ran ya) [raán yaa]

  • I'm sick: ฉันป่วย (Chan puay) [chǎn pùay]

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